Dear Parents,

Term Two has drawn to a close and students and teachers are all looking forward to a well-earned holiday! This has been a busy term with lots of extra-curricular activities on top of the usual classroom programs.

Australian Mathematics Competition

The national maths competition is coming up on the 27th of July. Students who wished to participate have been registered and passwords have been sent home for them to complete the online practice tests. As well, a past year solution booklet is included to make them familiar with the type of questions that are set for the competition and also how to solve them.

Names on School Uniform Items

Almost every day we have items of school uniform found and handed into the office. It is easy to pass the items back to the students if their name is on the item. However, many items are not named. Please be sure to put your child’s name on all items of clothing.

Fidget Spinners

I’m sure all parents would be aware of the fidget spinner craze that has been so taken up by children. Some of these spinners have small parts that can be easily dislodged and can be a choking hazard. We have therefore decided to ban them from school grounds. Please ensure that your child doesn’t bring them to school or they will be confiscated by their teacher.

Thank you for your continuing support and enjoy your children over the holiday break. We look forward to welcoming everyone back on Monday, 17thJuly.

Happy Eid to everyone!!!

Mrs. Tarbinder Pandher
Primary Coordinator